Want A Done-For-You System That Generates Motivated Cash Patients?

Start by watching this 90-second video to see how...

Dr. Derek Nielsen PT, DPT, is a "baby" about low-quality leads

Hi, my name is Dr. Derek Nielsen PT, DPT.

My self-proclaimed 'super power' is getting you pre-qualified cash patients from advertising with no effort (on your part).

And that’s probably why you’re here today.

So, let’s get on with it, shall we?

I’m about to ask you an uncomfortable question. One that most cash PT business owners shy away from.

Are you ready?


What percentage of your business would instantly go down the drain if your top referral source suddenly went M.I.A.?

50, 25, 10?

Would you still make payroll? How about rent?…

What would you do?

Gyms go belly up and suddenly close their doors (divorce seems to be the #1 cause).

Massage therapists regularly leave the field for new opportunities.

Personal trainers rarely last more than one year in the profession.

Physicians are referring their patients to an in-house PT (this is happening more as reimbursement continues to decline).

Yes, Google is also included on this list.

What if they released a new update tomorrow and your website was instantly on page 30?

Are you preparing for the day when your top referral source suddenly stops sending you new patients?

Or are you willing to run a business at the mercy of others' decisions?

I first witnessed this when I worked as a PT in 2017 for Aaron LeBauer.

You may know him from his CashPT® Blueprint book and online courses.

A gym owner who consistently referred ~10% of our caseload... stopped sending patients in the blink of an eye.

I believe he got pissed off when Aaron charged him for treatment and the relationship that once blossomed beautifully became wilted and dead.

...which left a hole in the schedule that needed to be replaced because we had bills to pay.

In 2020, my cash clinic was relying on referrals from a physician's assistant when she suddenly stopped treating the pain population, altogether.

Fortunately, I had already seen this skit play out once before and was getting a steady caseload from my own marketing efforts.

These stories are more common than you probably think.

My close friend, Chad was recently forced to vacate the gym he worked out of for the last 5 years —
they gave him two weeks notice.

Another colleague, Tyler of Winston-Salem, NC was relying on patients from a surgeon when he suddenly retired.

What are you allowing other’s to control that can bite you in the rear… next month, next week, tomorrow?

Are you okay that other’s decisions are leaving your livelihood in jeopardy?

Unfortunately, most PTs are blissfully wandering around in denial believing they are immune to such disaster.

Call me pessimistic but I’ve seen it happen too many times…

Disaster will strike!

And if you’re not prepared for it, the damage could be fatal.


Because most PTs don’t understand how to get patients for themselves.

Most PTs only know how to dip into the pockets of other’s.

This is not only dangerous but an irresponsible way to grow your business.

As cost of living continues to increase while reimbursement steadily drops… any specialist willing to send you patients is starting to see it for what it is…


Go ahead and dismiss this message at your own peril.

But for those ready to reclaim control over their business then today is your opportunity to start doing that!

You’re going to discover a system that consistently generates new pre-qualified cash patients...

Ugh, you passed up the opt-in box... again!

Can't you tell I know my stuff?

Aren't you just dying to see what I have waiting for you on the other side of that opt-in form?


Okay then, let me try again…

Why should you trust me?

Well, for starters I’ve been getting new cash patients from advertising since 2018.

And my approach is different than every other marketer you’ll see.

Because I am a cash PT and I understand YOU and your prospects.

I’m the first cash-based PT marketer who consistently turns cold leads into ready to pay patients… before you talk to them on the phone.

What? That’s still not enough? Okay.

I started a cash clinic in a town where I knew one person (my wife) and made $96,000 the first year.

More recently, I’ve had $20,000 months.

And I did most of it working by myself. Which means I’ve tested a LOT!

The system you’re about to see gets email messages like this one:

In early 2023 I took off my PT "polo shirt" and hung it up one final time because my passion is marketing. Too bad it took me 7 years of school and $150,000 in loans to realize it (Whoops!)

Yes, my parents, family and wife all questioned my decision. Overcoming that barrage of skepticism should show you how much I love this stuff!

And that’s where you come in.

I don’t want to sell you anything, yet. I want to give you something for FREE that will show you how to get more patients from your marketing.

What you're getting for FREE has taken me more than 10+ years to learn! I wish someone would’ve handed me the workshop I'm offering you when I first started advertising.

If you want to break free from your clinic, the first step is having a (passive) marketing system that consistently gets high quality leads.

A system you're 100% in control of!... Nobody can take it away from you.

That’s what you're about to get!

And when you join my email list you’ll continually get (more) free helpful information that can make you a bundle.

Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe from my email list whenever you want. I won’t be calling or hassling you… ever.

Okay, that’s what I have… take it or leave it.

My time is up and you could be improving your marketing by now if you would’ve just hit the first opt-in button at the top of this page 🤪

I hope to see you on the other side!

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